Editorial OS

Digital Brand Reputation & Campaign Effectiveness


Sponsored Articles, News and blogs monitroing

Brand Monitoring

Track and monitor article mentions, news and blog coverage of brands over earned, owned and sponsored media globally

Online Media

Continously monitor leading news websites and online media with new Brands publications

Category Focused

Auto, Fashion, Health, Financial Services – You name it, we cover it!

Promoted Blogs

We cover promoted blogs, social media and other leading online influencer posts

Product Mentions

Monitor product mentions in promoted media, understand which audience your competitors are targeting

Competitor Products

We track any product mention online of your choice, and support custom product lists in any language

eCommerce and Retail

All product verticals are supported, including eCommerce and retail


We support any product listing at any language, including local websites and product promotions

key features

10 Million

Web pages monitored every day over mobile and desktop devices

1 Million

Websites including online magazines and product galleries

Over 5,000

Brands and Product mentions monitored daily

Deep Coverage

of websites sitemap, including thousands of daily page updates

Engagement Score

Campaign Effectiveness

Get brand exposure score based on audience engagement and rank metrics of brand’s mentions in desktop and mobile websites boasted by millions of panelists

Product Galleries

Magazines and Product Portfolios

Get access to product galaries and complex javascript websites which relevant to your industry


Precision & Scale

Our unique technology uses AI to identify and extract articles accurately from complex websites, combined with large scale collection capabilities enabling unseen Editorial coverage in 40 geographies

Have a Custom Project?

We can help you!
Contact Us

“EditorialOS deep tech is just amazing. We have managed to triple our clients satification by getting more content than ever before!”

Dave Walsh

Account Executive, Agency

“Supporting open galleries is key to our product offering, and EditorialOS made that possible even with complex javascript websites”

David Cavvier

Brand Analytics Manager, Data Research Company

“The ease of use of the data we get and the customized views of the content blends perfectly with our current solutions”

Brianne Thorn

Business Development Director, Market Research Firm

Ready for Better Results?

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